Water makes up a huge percentage of every organ system. And it performs critical functions in each part of the body. Here’s just a sampling:
- Brain Juice. The brain needs water to manufacture hormones and neurotransmitters, bolstering cognitive functions – and improving mental health. (source: https://neurogrow.com/water-your-brain/)
- Shock Absorber. Water helps the body absorb shocks to the spinal cord (i.e. every time you stand up and walk around). (source: https://spineina.com/blog/how-dehydration-affects-your-spine-and-back/)
- Cell Booster. Water allows for proper cell reproduction and restoration. Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden recently found that cells “store” DNA in a water solution to protect it from harmful molecules traveling around the body until it needs the DNA for replication or repair. (sources: https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/uncategorized/2019/biological-roles-of-water-why-is-water-necessary-for-life/ and https://frontline.thehindu.com/science-and-technology/article29666886.ece)
- Clean Kidneys. Water ensures that the kidneys function optimally, filtering out toxins and reducing strain on the body from the destructive byproducts in everything that we ingest. (source: https://www.kidney.org/content/6-tips-be-water-wise-healthy-kidneys)
- Fresh Air. The “O” in H2O provides much-needed oxygen to the blood in our circulatory system, which in turn oxygenates organs throughout the body. (source: https://www.otsuka.co.jp/en/nutraceutical/about/rehydration/water/body-fluid/)
- Supple Skin. Skin elasticity is improved by drinking water, hydrating cells in the epidermis. There is some debate about this assertion, but several studies have shown the positive impact of consistent water consumption on healthy skin. (source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4529263/)
The first point about the brain’s need for water bears repeating. In several research studies lack of hydration had several detrimental effects on brain function. One study completed in 2018 with over 3000 adult participants, showed that lack of proper hydration adversely affected emotional well-being and heightened anxiety levels. Another study found that young adults who don’t drink enough water showed decreased cognitive functions.There’s plenty of evidence out there showing the positive effects of drinking water. At Hint, we focus on making the most delicious water on earth using flavors that perfectly reflect their fruit origins. We don’t make any specific health claims about our product, but we proudly offer a water that is free of sweeteners, sugar, and preservatives. Check out our delicious array of 20+ flavored waters at www.drinkhint.com.